You’ve worked hard to build your business.
We’ll help you make the most of it.

As a business owner, your personal and business finances are inextricably linked. Our business financial planning experts will help you transform this connection from a burden to a benefit. We can help you maximise the tax efficiency of your business structure, while also building your personal wealth for retirement. We’ll take care of the paperwork and administration so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.

Leveraging your business and personal finances

An effective financial plan will allow you to grow your personal wealth without compromising your business cash flow. We’ll determine the ideal investment strategy for your goals, and help you diversify your assets to reduce risk. We’ll also make sure you are using the right legal structures to manage your business and personal assets.

Superannuation and investments

Business owners often overlook the importance of superannuation as a highly tax effective way to prepare for retirement. We’ll help you structure your personal investments and superannuation to make sure your personal finances are best configured to support your business exit. Whether it’s a commercial fund, or Self-Managed Super Fund, we’ll find the best super option for you.


As a business owner, a lengthy illness or injury can mean significant loss of income. We can help you select the most affordable and effective insurance options you need to protect yourself and your family. We can also help secure the cover required to protect you if you or your business partner are unable to work.

Succession and exit planning

The best succession plans are in place many years before you are even considering retirement. Passing on or selling your business can impact the value of company shares you may hold, and it may also have significant personal tax implications. If you have a business partner, you’ll also need to consider what to do if they leave the business. We’ll help you maximise the personal wealth you gain from your business while also making sure the new owners have the cash flow they need for success.

We have had our Superannuation with  Quinn Financial Planning for 14 years and during that time Quinn Financial Planning have given us strategies for growing our Super while we ran our construction company.

Peter Quinn personalised our super and business to our specific needs, investing in good, solid companies that achieved excellent results due to their good track records.

We are happy to recommend Peter and Quinn Financial Planning

Gregg and Lyn Appleyard 

Not very long after commencing our financial planning business we were at a conference where one of the speakers was Peter Quinn, a young enterprising accountant, whom we sought a meeting with, and subsequently engaged his services.

Some 35 years later we are still being provided with quality professional service from Quinn Consultants.

Leanne Stone being an integral part of our relationship  has provided personal service beyond the contract, along with Peter and his excellent team.

We have no hesitation  in recommending Peter Quinn’s services,

Bruce & Jenny Gale

Tax Planning and Your Business

Tax planning is an essential element of wealth creation. As a business owner, you are equipped with more flexibility in the way you receive your income and hold your assets. We can help you leverage this flexibility to legally minimise your tax.

Our experience as both chartered accountants and financial advisers enables us to ensure maximum tax efficiency across all aspects of your finances. We make sure you have a comprehensive tax strategy in place, taking advantage of both your business and personal circumstances.

Our expertise extends across:
  • remuneration packaging
  • capital gains tax management
  • negative gearing
  • share dividends
  • small business tax concessions
  • and much more

We consider your personal and business investment portfolio as a whole to determine the most effective strategy for your financial goals.

I am a client of Peter Quinn, he has completed my Annual Report and Tax returns every year for the past 26 years.
The advice Peter has given me has always been beneficial, Peter has always acted in our interest, and in tax planning, he assures me that his advice has saved us more than its cost. And, as I am not the accountant ( that’s why I go to him ! ) there has been no surprises, calamities, mistakes, errors or misdemeanours… I have trusted him to get it right! And, for 26 years, he’s got it right. !
Now… Let’s talk about the fees.
When we’ve had plenty of cash, never a problem. I pay them with a smile.
When I’ve been short of cash, never a problem , I pay them with a smile.
Because good advice lets you sleep at night.
Quinn’s fees have always been fair and consistent . In summary, I’ve never had to worry about the legal, tax or accounting side of my business…because Pete just does what he does…fixes legal, tax or accounting problems.
Being competent costs money, but It’s the old saying… get what you pay for.
And with Peter, you get access. If you call the office and get straight through, that’s a bonus. He’s always busy, but he’s never too busy to call you back.
That’s important when you have a problem worrying you.
And let’s not forget his staff. Even a bloke as capable as Peter can’t do it all.
Over all these years, I’ve seen good people have come & go, but everyone I met was knowledgeable & competent, I know Peter chooses his helpers carefully, after all he has a high standard, and it’s the Quinns reputation on the line.
Should you wish to choose Peter as your first accountant, or change hoping for a better experience, I am sure your time with Quinns will be as relaxed and trouble free as mine is.
Want more re-assurance? Call me.
Want peace of mind? Call him.

Alan Heighway

◎ visit our offices

With four offices located around Sydney, including the Sydney CBD, it’s easy to arrange an appointment that suits you.

Sydney cbd

Level 10
20 Martin Place
NSW 2000

neutral bay

Level 3
156 Military Road
NSW 2089


3 Laycock Road
NSW 2222


Level 3
3-5 Stapleton Ave
NSW 2232

02 9580 9166
PO Box 200, Penshurst, NSW 2222