Planning for retirement

Retirement can be an exciting time, with many adventures planned ahead. But to live the retirement you dream of, it’s important to start planning early. Australians are living longer, healthier lives which means we can expect to enjoy a lengthy and active retirement. Our extended retirements mean expert financial planning is required.

How much money will I need for retirement?

According to the ASFA, a retired couple will need around $61,000 per year to live at a comfortable standard. This calculation assumes you already own your own home.

Since the average length of retirement is around 20 years, this means you will need a lump sum of at least $900,000 when entering retirement, on top of the value of your family home. This lump sum accounts only for living expenses – the amount you need will increase if you plan to travel widely, or to help your children or grandchildren with expenses to prepare for their future.

Retirement and tax management

When planning for retirement, the aim is to reach your savings goal while also legally minimising your tax. Being tax effective can be just as important for retirement as growing your wealth.

When we help you plan for retirement, not only will we select investment and super options that will grow your wealth, but we make sure your investments are structured in the most tax effective way possible. We make sure you can take advantage of tax concessions such as superannuation salary sacrifice, while also maximising the long-term potential of your assets.

Learn more about investments

Self-Managed Super

A Self-Managed Super Fund allows you to control your own superannuation investment for your retirement. With the right strategy, this can mean greater choice, and greater tax efficiency.

Our financial planners are SPAA SMSF Specialist Advisers, and are experts in choosing the right investment options for your SMSF. We provide a comprehensive SMSF service encompassing all accounting, compliance and administration requirements.

Learn more about SMSFs

Planning for retirement

◎ visit our offices

With four offices located around Sydney, including the Sydney CBD, it’s easy to arrange an appointment that suits you.

Sydney cbd

Level 10
20 Martin Place
NSW 2000

neutral bay

Level 3
156 Military Road
NSW 2089


3 Laycock Road
NSW 2222


Level 3
3-5 Stapleton Ave
NSW 2232

02 9580 9166
PO Box 200, Penshurst, NSW 2222