You’ve worked hard to build a successful career.
Now it’s time to look after you.

As a high achiever who excels at your career, it can be hard to find the time to look after your own finances. But as your career progresses, building a strong financial plan becomes increasingly important. Our expert financial advisors will review your finances – from your remuneration package, to your investments and superannuation – and build a strategy that will grow your wealth and financial independence.

Investments and diversification

Most executives hold a substantial number of shares in the companies in which they work, and have worked in the past. However, this creates a high degree of risk, as your wealth is substantially tied to one industry or business. We will create a tailored investment portfolio aimed at diversifying your assets, and ensuring your financial security for the long-term. We can help you grow your wealth without overexposure to particular industries or companies.

Tax planning and minimisation

As your remuneration grows, tax planning becomes increasingly important. Our combined accounting and financial expertise allows us to build a financial plan that will legally minimise your tax. Taxation isn’t just about your yearly income – our tax planning takes into account your assets, share dividends, equity incentives and deferral opportunities.


When was the last time you thought about whether your super fund was right for you? Superannuation is an important method of saving for retirement in a tax-effective manner. We will assess your current fund against other super options to determine how you can maximise both your retirement wealth and take advantage of salary sacrifice tax concessions. We can also help you establish a Self-Managed Super Fund to enjoy greater control over your superannuation investments.

◎ visit our offices

With four offices located around Sydney, including the Sydney CBD, it’s easy to arrange an appointment that suits you.

Sydney cbd

Level 10
20 Martin Place
NSW 2000

neutral bay

Level 3
156 Military Road
NSW 2089


3 Laycock Road
NSW 2222


Level 3
3-5 Stapleton Ave
NSW 2232

02 9580 9166
PO Box 200, Penshurst, NSW 2222