
Are you a business owner, CEO or CFO? Is your company having a Christmas party this year?

At the risk of sounding like a Christmas grinch, I have outlined below the income taxation and Fringe Benefits Tax implication of holding a Christmas party at a venue such as a restaurant. The following applies to businesses that are not tax-exempt organisations and do not use the 50/50 split method for meal entertainment. The […]

So far, Australians have lost over $300 million in investment scams this year.

Investment scams have increased by over 160% compared to last year. Investment scams are becoming more sophisticated and dexterous. In the past, investment scams involved promises of big payouts, quick money or guaranteed returns. Generally speaking, you could surmise that if it sounded too good to be true, it probably was. Now, investment scams are […]

Do you operate a business and offer ‘fringe benefits’ to your employees?

Do you operate a business and offer 'fringe benefits' to your employees

If so, Treasury has proposed changes to the record-keeping requirements to reduce the FringeBenefits Tax (FBT) compliance cost. Fringe benefits – an extra benefit supplementing an employee’s money wage or salary, for example, a company car, private healthcare, etc. The proposal is less stringent on the need to obtain specific documents such as employee declarations. […]

Are you or a family member approaching age 60?

Are you or are they considering selling the family home? If you answer ‘yes’ to the above two questions, you may consider taking advantage of making a ‘Downsizer Contribution’ to your superannuation fund. What is the downsizer contribution? The downsizer contribution allows you and your spouse to make an after-tax contribution to your superannuation fund […]